Orgasms Are Not Just for Bad Girls

THERE WILL BE ORGASMS!!!! - mmmmssssaaaagggggrrrrrr0rgasm!

Fingerland and the Magic Handz Institute bring you Herr Professor Professor Doctor Doctor Handz:

He is here to demonstrate to one and all the truth of his maxim: "A woman with a nipple has a spare clitoris." Most women are capable of nipple orgasms but sadly most will never get to experience one. Fingerland with the help of the Herr Professor Professor Doctor Doctor Handz wishes to bring this sad state of affairs to an end.

Fingerland is in the process of creating instructional videos but the Herr Professor Professor Doctor Doctor Handz feels that more research is needed. On the following pages you will find information about the direction our research is taking us and also about the opportunities to participate in our studies.