Orgasms Are Not Just for Bad Girls

THERE WILL BE ORGASMS!!!! - mmmmssssaaaagggggrrrrrr0rgasm!

Reality check and enough of this third person stuff already - whew. While I do have an interesting collection of undergraduate and graduate degrees (subjects include Mathematics, Anthropology, Logic and Analytic Philosophy, and Computer Science) non of them are doctorates and I have never been a professor let alone a full professor.

Continuing the reality check - of course Fingerland and The Magic Handz Institute are extremely virtual institutions - but with at least one foothold on reality - this website and the domain name. And yes, if possible we will create instructional videos.

But as far as the sex goes and my magic hands - that is entirely real with the understanding that the "subjects" were not subjects but girlfriends.

Below I will give some more detail about those girlfriends and our sexual experiences together - with names changed to protect the naughty:

The secret is actually fairly simple. You do need to have touch - you cannot be clumsy, and you need real control. If your touch is not light the woman's nipples or clitoris will become sore and sensitive in the wrong way. With the correct touch - no soreness and nipples and clitoris become sensitive in a good sense. Orgasms will come closer and closer together. There are several other secrets as well but they will remain proprietary for the moment.

An additional reality check - while I did have fantasies about a line of women waiting at my door for their treat it never materailized. Probably just as well. While I certainly could service two or more women at a time; I really would have ended up with carpal tunnel syndrome.

So what am I really looking for -